For emotions - come to us!

Welcome to the first attraction complex on Lake Baikal, “Eye of Baikal”!

Enjoy the panorama of the great lake from a bird's eye view!

Park rules

Park Visitor Rules with a Visitor Card:

Before visiting attractions, it is necessary to purchase a visitor card at the ticket office, paying a deposit of 100 rubles and any amount of money that will be credited to the card.

When visiting any attraction, the visitor card is placed against the attraction operator's reader.  The funds (ticket price) for the number of visitors are debited from the card, and the visitor together with children, grandchildren and friends, can enter the attraction. It is not necessary to purchase a card for each person.

The visitor card is recharged, reusable and unlimited. It can be used today and tomorrow, and in a year, and in 2 years. The funds are not lost. The card can be recharged at the Park’s ticket office for any amount.

You can deposit any amount of money to the visitor card and present it as a gift to a friend or family member.

The visitor card can be returned to the Park ticket office at any time*, and you will be refunded not only the money deposited into its account, but also its deposit value.

*There must not be any external visible or hidden damage on the card (scratches, chips, scuffs, etc.).

Prices for services
Колесо обозрения
от 400 ₽
300 ₽
House Upside Down
500 ₽
VR Games
300 ₽
500 ₽
Fantasy of Baikal
500 ₽
Состоялось открытие выставки-аттракциона !

Открытие выставки- аттракциона «Фантазия Байкала» произошло первого ноября 2024 года !
Не упустите…

Дом вверх дном! Незабываемые ощущения!

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Байкал – с высоты птичьего полета.

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